Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Essential Essential-less Guide to Summer

In the UK, around this time of year, the press go mad for summer ‘entertaining’, and no I don’t mean Punch and Judy shows or donkey rides along the beach. This one’s for the adults, surprisingly. We’re constantly being told what ‘entertaining’ essentials are required to throw the perfect summer party. Delia tells us ‘how to get it right’ and follows up with a breakdown of ‘summer entertaining advice’ to ensure a ‘magical dinner’. Now I know the British aren’t known for their laissez-faire attitude but surely this is getting a bit ridiculous? Inviting friends over for food and a few drinks doesn’t require this level of angst.

If we explore this British preoccupation a bit further, perhaps our dinner-party woes stem from the belief that we must ‘host’ the party and in doing so ‘perform’ the role of perfect host/hostess. Generally guests are asked to bring themselves and a token bottle of wine, leaving the hosts to do the rest. In Italy, guests will often bring a contribution to the meal itself - no matter how small. When friends or family (NB never ‘guests’) are invited over for a meal in the summer, everyone brings something special that they’ve cooked. Chairs are pulled up, tables placed under trees and the food laid out for people to help themselves to (wine included!) The enjoyment comes from tucking into each other’s goodies and the opportunity to catch up over delicious food and wine (now this is an essential!). Entertainment doesn’t come into it. The role of the guests is to create the merry-making. Otherwise, why else would you invite them? Delia, I know you're the hostess with the mostess but really... you need to get some new friends.